- 職稱:教授兼系主任
- 聯絡電話:(03) 422-7151 #34151
- 傳真:(03) 425-2960
- E-mail:wyhung@ncu.edu.tw
- 國立中央大學土木工程學系 博士,2001.09~2008.06
- 國立中央大學土木工程學系 學士,1996.09~2000.06
- 國立中央大學土木工程學系 教授,2021/8~迄今
- 國立中央大學土木工程學系 副教授,2017/8 ~2021/7
- 國立中央大學土木工程學系 助理教授,2014/2 ~ 2017/7
- 財團法人國家實驗研究院地震工程研究中心大地工程組 副技術師,2010/3 ~ 2014/1
- 國立中央大學土木工程學系 博士後研究員,2008/9 ~ 2010/2
- 107學年度、108學年度 中央大學學術研究傑出獎
- 105學年度、106學年度 中央大學優良系學會導師獎
- 105學年度 中央大學傑出導師獎
- 103學年度、104學年度 中央大學優良導師獎
- 104學年度 中央大學優良服務學習導師獎
- Best paper award, The 4th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (2014)
- Best Paper Award, The 15th Conference on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering In Taiwan (2013)
- Wen-Yi Hung, Truong-Nhat-Phuong Pham and Chung-Chi Weng, “Experimental study of the effect of different backfilled soils on the stability of mechanically stabilized earth walls,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 111-124 (2020). ISSN0253-3839 (SCIE)
- Wen-Yi Hung, Truong-Nhat-Phuong Pham and Hsin-Wei Wang, “Investigation of the internal stability and active earth pressure distributions of superimposed geosynthetic reinforced earth walls,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, (Accepted) (2019). ISSN 10155856 (EI)
- Wen-Yi Hung, Kuo-Hsin Yang, Thanh Son Nguyen and Truong-Nhat-Phuong Pham, “Performance of geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls at failure,” Journal of GeoEngineering, (Accepted) (2019) ISSN 19908326 (EI)
- Baziar, M.H., Nabizadeh, A., Khalafian, N., Lee, C.L. and Hung, W.Y., “Evaluation of reverse faulting effects on the mechanical response of tunnel lining using centrifuge tests and numerical analysis,” Géotechnique, doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.18.P.019, (2019). ISSN 0016-8505 (SCI)
- W.Y. Hung, C.J. Lu and T.A. Nguyen, “Effects of soil liquefaction on the seismic response of a monopile,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 293–303 (2018). ISSN 10155856 (EI) DOI : 10.6652/JoCICHE.201812_30(4).0006
- Manzari, M.T., Ghoraiby, M.E., Kutter, B.L., Zeghal, M., Abdoun, T., Arduino, P., Armstrong, R.J., Beaty, M., Carey, T., Chen, Y., Ghofrani, A., Gutierrez, D., Goswami, N., Haigh, S.K., Hung, W.Y., Lai, S., Kokkali, P., Lee, C.J., Madabhushi, S.P.G., Mejia, L., Sharp, M., Tobita, T., Ueda, K., Zhou, Y., Ziotopoulou, K., ” Liquefaction experiment and analysis projects (LEAP): Summary of observations from the planning phase,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 113, pp. 714-743 (2018). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI)
- Wen-Yi Hung, Chung-Jung Lee Lin-Mao Hu, “Study of the Effects of Container Boundary and Slope on Soil Liquefaction by Centrifuge Modeling” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 113, pp. 682-697 (2018). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI)
- Zeghal, M., Goswami, N., Kutter, B.L., Manzari, M.T., Abdoun, T., Arduino, P., Armstrong, R., Beaty, M., Chen, Y.M., Ghofrani, A., Haigh, S., Hung, W.Y., Iai, S., Kokkali, P., Lee, C.J., Madabhushi, G., Tobita, T., Ueda, K., Zhou, Y.G., Ziotopoulou, K., “Stress-strain response of the LEAP-2015 centrifuge tests and numerical predictions,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 113, pp. 804-818 (2018). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI)
- Kutter, B.L., Carey, T.J., Hashimoto, T., Zeghal, M., Abdoun, T., Kokkali, P., Madabhushi, G., Haigh, S.K., Burali d’Arezzo, F., Madabhushi, S., Hung, W.Y., Lee, C.J., Cheng, H.C., Iai, S., Tobita, T., Ashino, T., Ren, J., Zhou, Y.G., Chen, Y.M., Sun, Z.B., Manzari, M.T., “LEAP-GWU-2015 experiment specifications, results and comparisons,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 113, pp. 616-628 (2018). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI)
- Hsieh, M.H., Wu, Y.C., Hung, W.Y. Lee, C.J. Lin, W.T., “Experimental analysis of pile group in liquefying soil under a ground motion using centrifuge test,” Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, Volume 5, Issue 5, pp. 423-428 (2017.10). ISSN 2321-3558 (SCIE)
- Wen-Yi Hung, Chung-Jung Lee, Phu Duc Tran, “Centrifuge shaking table tests on effect of vertical drain systems for liquefied soil,” Journal of Vibroengineering, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 458-467 (2017.02). ISSN 1392-8716 (ESCI)
- Mohammad Hassan Baziar, Ali Nabizadeh, Ronak Mehrabi, Chung Jung Lee, Wen Yi Hung., “Evaluation of Underground Tunnel Response to Reverse Fault Rupture Using Numerical Approach,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 83, pp. 1-17 (2016.4). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI)
- Lee, C.J., Hung, W.Y., Tsai, C.H., Tu, Y.C., Huang C.C., Wu, Y.C. and Hsieh M.H. “Seismic responses of short grouped-piles embedded in liquefiable sandy soils during earthquakes,” International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol. 8, No. 2, Serial 16, June, pp.1218-1225 (2015). ISSN 2186-2982 (ESCI)
- Y.Y. Chang, C.J. Lee, W.C. Huang, W.Y. Hung, W.J. Huang, M.L. Lin, Y.H. Chen., “Evolution of the surface deformation profile and subsurface distortion zone during reverse faulting through overburden sand,” Engineering Geology, Vol. 184, pp. 52-70 (2015.1). ISSN 0013-7952 (SCI)
- Hsieh, M.H., Hung, W.Y. and Lee, C.J., “Centrifuge seismic test on seismic behavior of pile group in liquefiable soil,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 764-765, pp. 1041-1045 (2015). ISSN 1662-7482 (EI)
- Hung, W.Y., Lee, C.J. and Lin, Y.T., “Centrifuge modeling on pile behavior subjected to cyclic lateral loadings,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 764-765, pp. 1209-1213 (2015). ISSN 1662-7482 (EI)
- Lee, C.J., Chung, W.Y., and Hung, W.Y., “Centrifuge modelling of the seismic responses of a gently sloped liquefiable sand deposit confined within parallel walls,” Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol. 45, No.4, pp. 78-87 (2014.12). ISSN 0046-5828 (EI)
- Hung, W.Y., Lee, C.J., Chung, W.Y., Tsai, C.H., Chen, T., Huang, C.C. and Wu, Y.C., “Centrifuge modeling on seismic behavior of pile in liquefiable soil ground,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 479-480, pp 1139-1143 (2014). ISSN 1662-7482 (EI)
- 洪汶宜、李崇正、黃文昭、張有毅、黃文正、林銘郎、林燕慧,「以離心模型試驗探討正逆斷層引致的地表變形與剪裂帶發展」,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,第二十八號,第129-151 頁,民國103 年12 月。ISSN 10163042 (Zoological Record)
- Hung, W.Y., Hwang, J.H. and Lee, C.J., “Seismic response of geosynthetic reinforced earth embankment by centrifuge shaking table tests,” Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol. 45, No.3, pp. 96-105 (2014.9). ISSN 0046-5828 (EI)
- Mohammad Hassan Baziar, Ali Nabizadeh, Chung-Jung Lee, Wen-Yi Hung., “Centrifuge modeling of interaction between reverse faulting and tunnel,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 65, pp. 151-164 (2014.8). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI)
- Chung-Jung Lee, Huei-Tsyr Chen, Hon-Chen Lien, Yu-Chen Wei, Wen-Yi Hung, “Centrifuge modeling of the seismic responses of sand deposits with an intra-silt layer,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 62, pp. 72-88 (2014.8). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI) (IF:1.215, RK: ENGINEERING, GEOLOGICAL 15/32)
- 高町茉莉、一井康二、北出圭介、洪汶宜、飛田哲男,『Measurement of earth pressure in the reclaimed land by settlement-induced arch action under centrifuge fields』,地盤建設,公益團體法人地盤工學會中國支部論文報告集,第32期,第1卷,第79-86頁(2014)。ISSN 0289-9418
- Hung, W.Y., Lee, C.J., Chung, W.Y., Tsai, C.H., Chen, T., Huang C.C. and Wu, Y.C., “Seismic behavior of pile in liquefiable soil ground by centrifuge shaking table tests,” Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 16, Issue 6, pp. 712-720 (2014.3). ISSN 1392-8716 (ESCI) (IF:0.617, RK:ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL 94/130)(1)
- Mohamed, S. B.A., Yang, K.H. and Hung, W.Y., “Finite element analyses of two-tier geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls: Comparison involving centrifuge tests and limit equilibrium results,” Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 61, pp. 67–84 (2014). ISSN 0266-352X (SCIE)
- Lee, C.J., Hung, W.Y., Tsai, C.H., Ting Chen, Tu, Y.C. and Huang, C.C., “Shear wave velocity measurements and soil–pile system identifications in dynamic centrifuge tests,” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12, pp.717–734 (2014.3). ISSN 1570-761X (SCIE)
- Chang, Y.Y., Lee, C.J., Huang, W.C., Huang, W.J., Lin, M.L., Hung, W.Y. and Lin, Y. H., “Use of centrifuge experiments and discrete element analysis to model the reverse fault slip,” International Journal of Civil Engineering, Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 11., No. 2, pp. 79-89 (2013.11). (SCIE)
- Mohamed, S. B.A, Yang, K.H. and Hung, W.Y., “Limit equilibrium analyses of geosynthetic-reinforced two-tiered walls: Calibration from centrifuge tests,” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 41, pp. 1-16 (2013.11). (SCIE/EI)
- Wang, C.R., Wei, Y.C., Hung W.Y. and Lee, C.J., “GUI based computer programs for analyzing dynamic signals detected from a physical earthquake model,” Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 13-19 (2013.6). (EI)
- Yang, K.H., Hung, W.Y. and Kencana, E.Y., “Acceleration-amplified responses of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures with a wide range of input ground accelerations,” ASCE Geo-Congress 2013, San Diego, California, Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 231, pp. 1178-1187 (2013). (EI) ISBN: 978-0-7844-1278-7
- Lee, C.J., Wang, C.R., Wei, Y.C. and Hung, W.Y., “Evolution of the shear wave velocity during shaking modeled in centrifuge shaking table tests,” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 401-420 (2012.4). (SCIE/EI)
- 李崇正、洪汶宜、莊汶雅、魏雨辰、陳福勝、吳文隆、蔡立盛,「應用離心機試驗探討隧道承載土層液化行為」,中華技術,第92期,第164~177頁,2012年2月。ISSN: 1818-4464
- Yang, K.H., Zornberg, J.G., Hung, W.Y. and Lawson, C.R., “Location of failure plane and design considerations for narrow GRS wall systems,” Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 25-38 (2011).
- 洪汶宜、李崇正、陳慧慈,「柔性包覆式雙階加勁擋土牆斷裂破壞行為之離心模型模擬」,地工技術,第125期,第83~94頁,2010年9月。ISSN: 1023-0327
- 李崇正、陳慧慈、魏雨辰、鄺伯軒、連紘震、洪汶宜、何泰源、吳文隆,「以離心模型振動台試驗模擬砂土層液化行為」,地工技術,第125期,第95~104頁,2010年9月。
- Wei, Y.C., Lee, C.J., Hung, W.Y. and Chen, H.T., “Application of Hilbert-Huang transform to characterize soil liquefaction and quay wall seismic responses modeled in centrifuge shaking-table tests,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 30, pp. 614–629 (2010). ISSN 0267-7261 (SCI)
- Chen, H.T., Hung, W.Y., Chang, C.C., Chen, Y.J. and Lee, C.J., “Centrifuge modeling test of a geotextile-reinforced wall with a very wet clayey backfill.” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 346–359 (2007). (SCIE)
- Chen, H.T., Hung, W.Y., Chen, P.W. and Lee, C.J., “Improvement of the stability of a vertical geotextile reinforced earth wall backfilled with low strength clayey soil,” International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 35-45 (2007). (EI)
- 陳慧慈、*洪汶宜、張程翔、李崇正,「加勁擋土牆內部土壓力分佈」,台灣公共工程學刊,第三卷,第一期,第59-68頁,2007。