- 職稱:教授兼災害防治研究中心主任
- 聯絡電話:(03) 422-7151 #34146
- 傳真:(03) 425-2960
- E-mail:ymt@ncu.edu.tw
- 國立成功大學土木工程學系 博士
- 國立成功大學土木工程學系 碩士
- 國立成功大學土木工程學系 學士
- 國立中央大學工學院 院長
- 國立中央大學工學院 副院長
- 國立中央大學土木工程學系 副教授
- 田永銘、盧育辰、鐘翊展、劉文智、程泓皓、林宏哲、張顥薰(2013),併構岩體積比與力學性質之不確定性(3/3)
- 田永銘,鐘翊展,林育民(2012),土壤熱阻係數試驗研究案
- 陳明正、田永銘、洪崇展、彭朋畿、鐘翊展、孫誌宏、張淑平、劉榮良、陳又聖(2012),預力梁劣化診斷及補強技術研發(Ι)
- 田永銘、鐘翊展、盧育辰、張顥薰、程泓皓、劉文智(2012),併構岩體積比與力學性質之不確定性(2/3)
- 田永銘,鐘翊展,盧育辰,呂彥標,張顥薰,林育民,葉東航,郭偉民,鄭峰麟,林宏哲(2012),高鐵里程TK249+814~TK266+671墩柱混凝土裂縫現況調查及裂縫分級
- 田永銘、鐘翊展、盧育辰、張顥薰(2011),併構岩體積比與力學性質之不確定性(1/3)
- 田永銘,朱正安,鐘翊展,盧育辰,張道武,張少秋,官毅明(2010),高鐵里程TK340~TK343高架橋墩柱裂縫成因研究
- 田永銘,陳建民,陳晏殊,張詩平,朱正安,鐘翊展(2009),整合性地震風險評估技術建立及風險控制工具發展之研究-子計畫:地震災害人員傷亡評估模型之建立(II)
- 田永銘,王仲宇,李姿瑩(2009),橋梁鹼-骨材反應之檢測及修復技術
- 田永銘,朱正安,鐘翊展,蕭弘典,蕭永燦(2009),熱探針法岩塊熱傳導係數委外量測
- 蕭江碧,田永銘,陳建忠,莊德興(2001),集集大地震罹難者居住建築物特性調查及統計分析(Ⅱ)
- Yu-Chen Lu, Yong-Ming Tien, Charng-Hsein Juang(2019),Uncertainty of fracture intensity measurement in discontinuous rock masses – a sampling window approach
- 鄭華恩、田永銘、盧育辰、劉家豪、吳柏翰(2018),以合成岩體探討裂隙岩體的力學行為(本文榮獲優良論文獎)
- Farichah Himatul, Che-Jui Hsu, Yong-Ming Tien(2017),A novel equation to determine geometrical representative elementary volume of fractured rock mass
- Farichah Himatul, Che-Jui Hsu, Yong-Ming Tien(2016),An Equation for Determining Geometrical Representative Elementary Volume of Fractured Rock Mass
- 田永銘, 盧育辰, 許哲睿(2016),岩體裂隙程度量測之不確定性
- YM Tien, YC Lu, KS Hsu(2015),Numerical Simulation of the Shear Behaviors of Rock Joints under the Direct Shear Test
- YM Tien, YC Lu, HH Cheng(2015),Variability of Mechanical Properties of Bimrock
- 程泓皓、田永銘、盧育辰(2014),以PFC2D模擬併構岩力學性質之不確定性
- 許凱翔、田永銘(2014),以數值模擬岩石節理面之剪力行為
- 田永銘、盧育辰、呂彥標(2013),以電腦斷層掃描大地材料之內部組構
- 田永銘、鐘翊展、王麒瑋(2013),層狀岩體之波傳行為
- Liu, W.C., Tien, Y.M., Juang, C.H., and Lin, J.S.(2013),Numerical investigation of crack propagation and failure mechanism of layered rocks
- 田永銘,劉文智(2012),以PFC2D探討巴西試驗下岩石裂縫發展與破壞機制
- 田永銘,盧育辰,呂彥標(2012),以電腦斷層掃描混凝土鑽心試體裂縫
- 盧育辰,田永銘,王仁正,鐘翊展,張顥薰,呂彥標,林晉祥(2012),二維量測併構岩岩塊體積比之不確定性
- 劉文智,田永銘(2012),以數值模擬層狀岩石巴西試驗
- 鐘翊展,田永銘,蕭弘典(2012),熱探針法量測岩石熱傳導係數之誤差分析
- Liu, W. C.,Tien, Y. M. and Juang, C. H.(2012),Numerical simulation for layered rock under Brazilian test
- Tien, Y.M., Lu, Y.C., Chang, H.H., and Chung, Y.C., Lin, J.-S., and Lee, D.H.(2012),Uncertainty of Volumetric Fraction Estimates Using 2-D Measurements
- Tien, Y.M., Lu, Y.C., Wu, T.H., Lin, J.S., and Lee, D.H.(2011),Quantify uncertainty in scanline estimates of volumetric fraction of anisotropic bimrocks
- 田永銘,盧育辰,鄔定樺,鐘翊展,林晉祥(2010),掃描線法量測岩塊體積比之不確定性解析解
- Tien, Y.M., Lin, J.S., Kou, M.C., Lu, Y.C., Chung, Y.J., Wu, T.H., and Lee, D.H.(2010),Uncertainty in estimation of volumetric block proportion of bimrocks by using scanline method
- 田永銘,朱正安,鐘翊展,張道武(2009),非破壞性檢測應用於受鹼-骨材反應橋梁劣化程度之判定
- 田永銘,鐘翊展,游忠霖,朱正安(2008),橫向等向性岩石熱傳導係數量測
- 郭明傳,田永銘(2007),掃瞄線法估算大地材料內含岩塊體積含量之適用性探討
- 田永銘,鐘翊展,張家銘,朱正安(2007),橫向等向性岩石熱傳導係數與超音波之量測
- 田永銘,張家銘,游宗霖,朱正安(2007),界面條件對岩石熱傳導係數量測之影響
- 吳柏林,田永銘(2007),皂土質緩衝材料塊體製造程序之脫膜行為
- M. Tien , C. H. Pai(2006),Development of Fragility Curves for the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- 田永銘,吳柏林,莊文壽(2005),The Friction-Free Compressibility Curve of Bentonite Block
- 田永銘,朱正安,莊文壽(2005),The prediction model of thermal conductivity of sand-bentonite based buffer material
- 朱正安,張大猷,田永銘(2004),碎石-皂土緩衝材料之熱傳導係數量測及預測
- Yong-Ming Tien, Ming-Chuan Kuo, Yu-Chen Lu(2016),Chapter 16: Failure criteria for transversely isotropic rock,Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 1: Principles
- Tien, Y. M., Wu, P. L.,Chuang, W. S.(2007),The friction-free compressibility curve of bentonite block,Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- 田永銘,吳柏林,莊文壽,張瑟稀(2006),碎石-皂土緩衝材料之壓實性質,台灣公共工程學刊
- 田永銘,郭明傳,朱正安,連進春(2005),山坡地建築專章部分技術用語探討,地工技術雜誌
- 田永銘,郭明傳(2002),互層岩體之破壞準則,工程科技通訊
- 田永銘,楊世和,王淑慧(2001),台灣東部骨材鹼反應潛能研究,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 田永銘,孫思優,吳柏林,何明錦,陳建忠(2001),山坡地災害緊急應變及安全監測,地工技術雜誌
- 陳良健,田永銘,詹皇祥(2001),近景數化影像半自動式混凝土裂縫量測,航測及遙測學刊
- 田永銘,楊世和,彭柏翰,王淑慧(1999),台灣的鹼—骨材反應問題與對策,中國土木水利工程學會會刊
- 田永銘(1998),林肯大郡地質災變後記與檢討,地質
- 田永銘(1998),林肯大郡災變緊急應變措施,地工技術雜誌
- 田永銘,張惠文,王仁正(1994),泥岩穩定處理成效探討,地工技術雜誌
- 田永銘,李德河(1994),黏土質材料的吸水回脹速率,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 王櫻茂、林宣旭、田永銘(1988),變形速率對硬化中混凝土強度特性之影響,成功大學學報
- 李德河,田永銘(1987),泥岩的基本工程特性,地工技術雜誌
- Yu-Chen Lu, Yong-Ming Tien, Charng-Hsein Juang(2019),Uncertainty of volume fraction in bimrock using the scan-line method and its application in the estimation of deformability parameters,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- Yu-Chen Lu, Yong-Ming Tien, Charng-Hsein Juang(2017),The uncertainty of 1D fracture intensity measurements,Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth
- Wenping Gong, Yong Ming Tien, C Hsein Juang, James R Martin, Jie Zhang(2016),Calibration of empirical models considering model fidelity and model robustness—Focusing on predictions of liquefaction-induced settlements,Engineering Geology
- Changjie Xu , Lei Wang , Yong Ming Tien , Jian-Min Chen , C. Hsein Juang(2014),Robust design of rock slopes with multiple failure modes: modeling uncertainty of estimated parameter statistics with fuzzy number,Environmental Earth Sciences
- Tien, Y. M., Juang, C. H., Chen J. M., Pai, C. H.(2012),Isointensity-isoexposure concept for seismic vulnerability analysis — A case study of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake,Engineering Geology
- Tien, Y. M., Chu, C. A., Wu P. L., Chuang, W. S, Chung, Y. C.,(2010),Improved Measurement and a Predictive Model for Thermal Conductivity of Sand-Bentonite Mixtures,Journal of GeoEngineering,
- Der-Her Lee, Jian-Hong Wu, Chao-Ching Hsu, Jr-Chi Huang and Yong-Ming Tien(2009),Geotechnical Investigations of Sand Dune beneath the Fort Zeelandia,Tainan,Taiwan,Journal of Architecture
- Pai, C. H., Tien, Y. M., Teng, T. L.(2007),A Study of the Human-Fatality Rate in Near-Fault Regions Using the Victim Attribute Database,Natural Hazards
- Tien, Y. M., Wu, P. L., Huang, W. H., Kuo, M. F., Chu, C. A.(2007),Wall Friction Measurement and Compaction Characteristics of Bentonite Powders,Powder Technology
- Tien, Y. M., Kuo, M. C., Juang, C. H.(2006),An Experimental Investigation of the Failure Mechanism of Simulated Transversely Isotropic Rocks,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
- 田永銘,吳伯林,郭明峰(2006),Compaction Properties of Crushed Rock-Bentonite Mixture,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
- Chen, L. C., Shao, Y. C., Jan, H. H., Huang C. W., Tien, Y. M.(2006),Measuring System for Cracks in Concrete Using Multitemporal Images,Journal of Surveying Engineering
- Tien, Y. M., Kuo, M. C., Ku, C. C.(2006),Study on Mechanical Properties and Behaviors of Macroscopically Isotropic Mélange,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
- Tien, Y. M., Wu, P. L., Kuo, M. F.(2005),Compaction Properties of Crushed Rock – Bentonite Mixture,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
- 田永銘,郭明傳,古智君(2005),Study on mechanical properties and behaviors of macroscopically isotropic melange,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
- 田永銘,吳柏林,黃慈君,朱正安,莊文壽(2005),溫度及鹽水濃度對壓實膨潤土回脹性質之影響,台電工程月刊
- Tien, Y. M., Wu, P. L., Chuang, W. S., and L. H., Wu(2004),Micromechanical Model for Compaction Characteristics of Bentonite-Sand Mixtures,Applied Clay Science
- Tien, Y. M.*, D. S., Juang, C.H., Pai, C. P., Hisao, and C. J., Chen(2002),Statistical Analyses of Relation Between Mortality and Building Type in the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
- Tien, Y. M., M. C., Kuo(2001),A Failure Criterion for Transversely Isotropic Rocks,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
- Tien, Y. M., P. F., Tsao(2000),Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Artificial Transversely Isotropic Rock,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
- Juang, C. H., Chen, C. J., Tien, Y. M.(1999),Appraising cone penetration test based liquefaction resistance evaluation methods: artificial neural network approach,CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL
- Lai, Y. S., Wang, C. Y., Tien, Y. M.(1999),Modified Mohr-Coulomb Type Micromechanical Failure Criteria for Layered Rocks,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS
- Lai, Y. S., Wang, C. Y., Tien, Y. M.(1997),Micromechanical Analysis of Imperfectly Bonded layered Media,JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS-ASCE
- Chang, H.W., Tien, Y. M., Juang, C.H.(1996),Formation of South-facing Bald Mudstone Slopes in Southwestern Taiwan,Engineering Geology
- Tien, Y. M., Lee, D. H., Juang, C. H.(1990),Strain, Pore Pressure and Fatigue Characteristics of Sandstone under Various Load Conditions,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES & GEOMECHANICS ABSTRACTS