The graduate study of surveying engineering encompasses diversified activities both in instruction and research. In addition to basic Plane Surveying, Mapping and Geodesy, considerable effort is expended in the investigation of a variety of modern research problemsin Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Geographic Information Systems.
Fundamental research also is continuing in the area of restitution of remotely sensed images from space-borne platforms such as SPOT imagery. This area holds the promise of addressing the problem of timeliness and cost effectiveness in mapping application. The extensive mathematical model developed is the basis for a set of routines used in the photogrammetric restitution of SPOT images and has been integrated into the soft copy mensuration system. This model also provides a powerful tool for the digital processing of space imagery from different sensors as well. Such imagery is becoming indispensable for mapping and constructing geographic data bases, particularly in unmapped areas andwith out-of-date maps.
Three major laboratories of Surveying Engineering Division includes Digital Photogrammetry Laboratory, Geographic Information Systems Laboratory and Satellite Surveying and Navigation Laboratory. The research goals of this division are focused on integration of GIS and image processing system, network analysis for transportation model, neural network for land classification, orientation medeling for remotely sensed images, image ratification, surface modeling, and linear combination of dual-frequency carrier phase observables.
Plane Surveying
Satellite Surveying
Surveying Mathematics
Digital Photogrammetry Surveying
Geographical Information Systems
Practice of Geographical Information Systems
Application and Analysis of Spatial Information
Geographical Information Systems Laboratory:
This is a Lab. to the Digital World. Fnctions include integration of GIS and image processing, development of spatial analysis techniques and GIS related teaching and training. Not only highly advanced hardware is available here, but also sophisticated software, such as ARC/INFO and Imagine, is affluent.
Satellite Surveying and Navigation Lab:
High-accuracy & time-efficiency are two major goals of this Lab. topics of research associated with this Lab are ambiguity resolution, multi-station data processing and linear combination of dual-frequency carrier phase observables.
Facilities include:
Mini-rogueSNR 8A/AOA, Wild GPS-System 200 / Leica, MANagement of GNSS data for Orientation (MANGO) and Static Kinimatic software.
Digital Photogrammetry Lab:
A major mission of this Lab. is processing for remotely sensed images. Researches, including orientation medeling for remotely sensed images, image registration and matching, surface modeling, are engaging in this Lab. HP720 image workstation, EIKONIX 1412 Color Linear Array Scanner, Kodak DCS200ci CCD Camera, PC ARC/INFO GIS and Mitsubishi Hardcopies are major facilities of this Lab.