Research in the Civil Engineering Materials area is concerned with improving the performance of construction materials over a wide variety of structural and environmental conditions. The primary emphasis in this division is on highway materials.
Civil Engineering materials researches encompass diversified efforts in cementitious and bituminous materials, and soils and aggregates. Recent research activities involved flexible pavement design, rigid pavement patching, pavement maintenance management, recycled and modified asphalt mixtures, construction quality assurance, admixtures in high performance concrete, industrial sludge solidification, incinerator residues utilization, waste containment barrier, and fabric analysis of granularmaterials.
Material Testing Laboratories, occupying an area of over 500 square meters, currently hire six full-time assistants engaging in the testing on cement, concrete, asphalt, asphalt mixture, aggregate, and soil subgrade, as well as providing technical assistance and technology transfer to the construction materials industies.
Instrumentation for Material Research
Physical and Chemical Properties of Cement
Pavement Design of Highway
Behavior of Hardened concrete
Geotechnical Materials
Quality Assurance for Civil Engineering Materials
Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials
Asphalt Cement and Mixtures Design
Special Concrete
The Civil Engineering Materials Lab.
provide facilities for instruction in concrete and bituminous materials testing methods, as well as opportunities for research in construction materials and their application to engineering problem.
The cement and concrete Lab.
has equipment for strength testing, fatigue analysis, pulse velocity measurement, chloride content determination, and lapping and examining sections by microscopical processes.There is also a curing room and a controlled temperature/humidity room.
The Bituminous Lab.
provides facilities for testing bituminous materials and mixtures. Included are equipment for kneading and gyratory compaction, resilient modulus determination,creep testing, and a loading facility that permits static and dynamic loading over a wide range of programmed conditions. There are also facilities for micing, sieving, crushing, and sawing.
The Pavement Evaluation Lab.
has facilities such as Benkelmen Beam, profilometer, and nuclear gauge for density and moisture content. Also included are the equipment for the determination of soil resistance value, CBR, Resistance modulus, and modulus of subgrade reaction.