Water Resource Engineering
Research Interests
Initiation of debris flows
Behavior of granular flow
Drop scour and energy dissipation
Bridge scour
Hydraulic structures
Water quality improvement
Ocean pollution
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Fluid Dynamics
Theories of Sediment Transport
Chou, Hsien-Ter
- Professor
- TEL:886-3 422-7151 # 34125
- FAX:886-3 425-2960
- E-mail:htchou@ncu.edu.tw
- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, USA
- National Taiwan University, M.S.(1984)
- National Taiwan University, B.S.(1980)
- Bechtel Civil Co., Hydraulic Engineer
- Tetra Tech, Inc.
Academic Journal Articles
- C. Chen, S. Tfwala, , T.Y. Wu, , H.C. Chan and H.T. Chou(2018),Hooked-Collar for Bridge Piers Protection: Flow Fields and Scour,water
- 李璟芳、 周憲德、曹鼎志、許志豪、黃郅軒、廖緯璿(2016),羅浮合流部落土石流之致災機制分析與數值模擬,中華水土保持學報
- Chou, H.T. , C.F. Lee and C. M. Low(2016),The evolution of a coastal alluvial fan caused by rainfall-induced landslides in eastern Taiwan,Landslides
- Lo, C.M., C.F. Lee, H.T. Chou and Shu-Yeong Chi(2015),Landscape evolution analysis of deep-seated landslides at Donao Peak,Environmental Earth Sciences
- 周憲德、楊祥霖、李璟芳、黃郅軒(2015),火炎山土石流之流動型態與地聲特性分析,中華水土保持學報
- Wu ,C. H., S.C. Chen, H.T.Chou and S.C.Chen(2014),The Characteristics of rainfall-induced landslides in the Miocene Formations: A case study of the Shenmu watershed, Central Taiwan,Journal of Engineering Geology
- Chou, H.T, S. H. Chou and S. S. Hsiau(2014),The effects of particle density and interstitial fluid viscosity on the dynamic properties of granular slurries in a rotating drum,journal of Powder Technology
- 李璟芳、 周憲德、魏倫瑋、黃韋凱、冀樹勇、陳樹群、黃文昭(2014),東澳嶺崩塌地之地形演育分析,中華水土保持學報
- 周憲德*、李璟芳、馬東濤、章書成(2014),牽引式深層崩塌之發生機制探討 -以四川漢源萬工滑坡為例,工程環境會刊
- Lo, C.M., C.F. Lee, H.T. Chou and M.L. Lin(2013),Landslide at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k triggered by Typhoon Megi in Taiwan,Landslide
- 周憲德,李璟芳,黃郅軒, 張友龍(2013),中華水土保持學報,中華水土保持學報
- Chou, H.T.*, Y.L. Chang and S.C. Zhang(2012),Acoustic signals and geophone response of rainfall-induced debris flows, of Chinese institute of Engineers
- Chou, H.T. , C.F. Lee, Y.C. Chung* and S.S. Hsiau(2012),Discrete element modelling and experimental validation for the falling process of dry granular steps,Powder Technology
- Ching-Fang Lee,Hsien-Ter Chou*,Herve Capart(2012),Granular Segregation in Narrow Rotational Drums with Different Wall Roughness,Powder Technology
- Wu, J.C., S.C. Chen and H.T. Chou(2011),Geomorphologic characteristics of catastrophic landslides during Typhoon Morakot in Kaoping Watershed, Taiwan, of Engineering Geology
- Chou, H.T* and C.F. Lee(2011),Falling process of a rectangular granular step,Granular Matter
- 林柏青*、周憲德、何良勝、江玟德(2009),碎波帶流場與懸浮輸砂之觀測分析,台灣海洋學刊
- 周憲德*、李璟芳(2009),堆積土體之坡面崩落過程分析,中華水土保持學刊
- 周憲德、李伯亨*、陳主惠(2009),水平均勻壩體滲流曲線及滲出點之研究,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 周憲德*、李璟芳(2009),Cross-sectional and axial flow characteristics of dry granular material in rotating drums,Granular Matter
- 周憲德,李伯亨*,陳主惠(2008),二維裂縫暫態入滲過程之研究,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 周憲德*, 李顯智(2008),On the outflow uniformity along a continuous manifold, of Hydraulics Engineering, ASCE
- Perng ,T. H, H. Capart and H. T. Chou(2006),Granular configurations, motions, and correlations in slow uniform flows driven by an inclined conveyor belt,Granular Matter
- 周憲德,張友龍, 章書成(2005),土石流運動時之次聲特性監測及分析,中華水土保持學刊
- 周憲德 李伯亨、陳主惠、張守陽、周憲德(2005),入滲效應與與土石流發生臨界降雨線之研究,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 周憲德,章書成,張友龍(2004),坡地災害次聲特性及監測系統之研究,第四屆海峽兩岸山地災害與環境保育學術研討會
- 周憲德(2004),斜坡堆積圓球及圓柱顆粒受振動時之傾角分析,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 廖偉民、周憲德(2004),非凝聚性土石壩滲流破壞之試驗研究,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 周憲德(2003),裂縫滲透引致淺層崩塌之臨界降雨條件分析,中華水土保持學刊
- 周憲德,吳沛倫,張藝馨,王新貴(2002),裸露圓柱橋基礎之局部沖刷分析,中國土木水利工程學刊
- 林柏青, 周憲德,莊甲子(2002),The Influence of energy grouping and undulating on sediment suspension in the surf zone, of Marine Science and Technology