Water Resource Engineering
Research Interests
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Wind Engineering
Hydraulic Engineering
Experimental Methods
Fluid Mechanics
Construction Methods in Civil I
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Water Resources Engineering
Chu, Chia-Ren
- Distinguished Professor
- TEL:886-3- 422-7151 #34138
- FAX:886-3- 425-2960
- E-mail:crchu@cc.ncu.edu.tw
- Webpage:Wind Tunnel Lab.
- Ph.D. 1992, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, USA
- M.S. 1990, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, USA
- B.S., 1984, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Chairman, Depart. Civil Engineering, National Central University, 2018 – Present
- Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2013 Aug. – Dec.
- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Hydrodynamics, Karlsruhe University, Germany, 2000-2001.
- Professor, Depart. Civil Engineering, National Central University, 1999 – Present
- Associate Professor, Depart. Civil Engineering, National Central University, 1993 – 1999
- Director, Wind Tunnel Laboratory, National Central University, 1996 – Present
- Research Associate, Hydrologic Science, University of California, Davis, 1992 – 1993
- Research Assistant, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 1986 – 1987
- Distinguished Professor, National Central University, 2013 – Present
- Outstanding Research Award, National Central University, 2010~ 2012
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Energy Engineering, ASCE, 2013
Academic Journal Articles
- Chu, C.-R. and Su, Z.-Y. (2023) Natural ventilation design for underground parking garages, Building and Environment, Vol.227 (1), 109784.
- Young, D.L., Li, J.-S., Capart, H. Chu, C.-R.* (2022) Velocity measurements of vortex structures induced by sphere/wall interaction. Experiments in Fluids, 63, 170.
- Young, D.L., Lin, Y.C., Capart, H. Chu, C.-R.* (2022) Vortex structures around two colliding spheres at high Reynolds number. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.157, 104246.
- Chiu, C.-L., Fan, C.-M.*, Chu, C.-R. (2022) Numerical analysis of the two spheres falling side by side, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34(7), 072112.
- Chu, C.-R., Huynh, L.E. and Wu, T.-R. (2022) Large eddy simulation of the wave loads on submerged rectangular decks, Applied Ocean Research, Vol.120, 103051.
- Chu, C.-R. and Yang, -J. (2022) Transport process of outdoor particulate matter into naturally ventilated buildings, Building and Environment, Vol.207, 108424.
- Li, H.H., Cheng, Y.C. Yang, K.-J., Chu C.-R., Hong, T.-M. (2021) Role of the crown in tree resistance against high winds, Physical Review E. Vol.104(2), 025006.
- Chu, C.-R., Tran, T.T.T., Wu, T.-R. (2021) Numerical analysis of free-surface flows over rubber dams, Water, Vol.13(9),
- 朱佳仁、林禹安、黎益肇、陳建忠、林元智 (2021) 住宅建築物之自然通風潛勢,建築學報,115. 71~88.
- Chu, C.-R., Wu, T.-R., Tu, Y.-F., Hu, S.-K., Chiu, C.-L. (2020) Interaction of two free-falling spheres in water, Physics of Fluids, Vol.32 (3), 033304.
- Wu, T.-R. Vuong, H.-N. Lin, C.-W., Wang, C.-Y., and Chu, C.-R. (2020) Modeling the slump-type landslide tsunamis Part I: Developing a three-dimensional Bingham-type landslide model, Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 6501.
- Vuong, H.-N., Wu, T.-R., Wang, C.-Y., and Chu, C.-R. (2020) Modeling the slump-type landslide tsunamis Part II: Numerical simulation of tsunamis with Bingham landslide model, Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 6872.
- 朱佳仁*,林禹安,蔡仁凱,陳建忠,蔡宜中 (2020) 挑高中庭建築物自然通風之研究,建築學報,第114期,2020年12月,21-37頁
- Chu, C.-R. and Lan, T.-W. (2019) Effectiveness of ridge vent to wind-driven natural ventilation in monoslope multi-span greenhouses, Biosystems Engineering, 186, 279-292.
- 朱佳仁*,羅仕亮 (2019) 台灣颱風路徑與風場之蒙地卡羅模擬,中國土木水利工程學刊,31卷8期,681-691頁
- 朱佳仁,吳思磊 (2019) 一氧化碳在有隔間建築內部傳輸之物理模式,勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊,第27卷第3期,2019年9月,57-70頁
- Lin, M.-Y., Huang, C.-W. Katul, G., Chu C.-R. and Khlystov A. (2019) The simultaneous effects of image force and diffusion on ultrafine particle deposition onto vegetation: A wind tunnel study, Aerosol Science and Technology, 53 (4), 371-380.
- Chu, C.-R.*, Wu, Y.-R., Wang, C.-Y., and Wu, T.-R. (2018) Slosh-induced hydrodynamic force in a water tank with multiple baffles. Ocean Engineering. 167, 282-292.
- Chu, -R.*, Lin, Y.-A., Wu, T.-R., and Wang, C.-Y., (2018) Hydrodynamic force of circular cylinder close to the water surface. Computers and Fluids. Vol.171, 154-165.
- Wu, T.-R.*, Vuong, T.-H.-N., Lin, J.-W., Chu, C.-R., Wang, C.-Y. (2018) Three-dimensional numerical study on the interaction between dam-break wave and cylinder array. of Earthquake and Tsunami. Vol.12(2), 1-35.
- Chu, C.-R.*, and Tsao, S.-J. (2018) Aerodynamic loading of solar trackers on flat-roofed buildings. of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol.175, 202-212.
- Chu, C.-*, Lan, T.W., Tasi, R.-K., Wu, T.-R., and Yang, C.K., (2017) Wind-driven natural ventilation of greenhouses with vegetation. Biosystems Engineering, 164 (12), 221-234.
- Chu, C.-, and Wu, S.-L. (2017) A transient transport model for gaseous pollutants in naturally-ventilated partitioned buildings. Building Simulation. Vol.11 (2), 305-313.
- 朱佳仁*,林坦誼,楊智凱,劉明怡 (2016) 半圓柱形溫室風壓係數之實驗研究,農業工程學報,第62卷第3期,2016年9月,63-73頁
- Chu, C.-R., Chung, C.-H., Wu, T.-R., and Wang, C.-Y. (2016) Numerical analysis of free surface flow over a submerged rectangular bridge deck. of Hydraulic Eng. ASCE. Vol.142 (12).
- Chu, C.-, Li, M.-H. Chen, C.-H. and Liu, J.-S. (2016) Evaporation rate of a white class A evaporation pan, J. of Irrigation and Drainage Eng., ASCE. 142 (6), 365-372.
- Huang, C.-W., Chu, C.-R., Hsieh, C.-I., Palmroth, S. and Katul, (2015) Wind-induced leaf transpiration, Advances in Water Resources, Vol.86, 240-255.
- Chu, C.-R., Chiu, Y.H. Tsai, Y.T. and Wu, S.L. (2015) Wind-driven natural ventilation for buildings with two openings on the same wall. Energy and Buildings. Vol.108, 365-372.
- Kume, T., Laplace, S., Komatsu, H., and Chu, -R. (2014) Transpiration in response to wind speed: can apparent leaf-type differences between conifer and broadleaf trees be a practical indicator? Trees. Vol.29 (2), 605-612.
- Wu, T-R., Chu, -R.*, Huang, C.-J., Wang, C.-Y., Chien, S.-Y. and Chen M.-Z. (2014) A two-way coupled simulation of moving solids in free-surface flows. Computers and Fluids. Vol.100, 347-355.
- Chu, C.-R., and Chiang, B.-F. (2014) Wind-driven cross ventilation in long buildings. Buildings and Environment. Vol.80, 150-158.
- Chu, C.-R., Chien, S.-Y., Wang, -Y., Wu, T.-R. (2014) Numerical simulation of two trains intersecting in a tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Vol.42, 161-174.
- 朱佳仁,陳建翰,李勝雄,劉日順 (2014) A型蒸發皿顏色蒸發量之影響,氣象學報,第51卷第1期,2014年7月,41-53頁
- Chu, C.-R., and P.-H. Chiang (2014) Turbulence effects on the wake flow and power production of a horizontal-axis wind turbine. of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol.124, 82-89.
- Chu, C.-R., and B.-F. Chiang (2013) Wind-driven cross ventilation with internal obstacles. Energy and Buildings. Vol.67, 201-209.
- Laplace, S. Kume,, Chu, C.-R., and H. Komatsu (2013) Wind speed response of sap flow in five subtropical trees based on wind tunnel experiments. British J. of Environment and Climate Change, Vol.3(2), 160-171.
- Chu, C.-R., -Y. Chang, C.-J. Huang, T.-R. Wu, C.-Y. Wang and M.-Y. Liu. (2013) Windbreak protection for road vehicles against crosswind. J. of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.116, 61-69.
- 朱佳仁,張育峯 (2012) 1961~2008期間臺灣地面風速變化趨勢之分析, 氣象學報, 第49卷第1期, 2012年12月, 51-68頁
- Chu, C.-R., M.-H. Li, Y.-F. Chang, -C. Liu, and Y.-Y. Chen (2012) Wind-induced splash in class A evaporation pan. Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmosphere, Vol.117, D11101.
- Chen, Y.-Y.*, Chu, C.-R., and Li, M.-H. (2012) A gap-filling model for eddy covariance latent heat flux: Estimating evapotranspiration of a subtropical seasonal evergreen broad-leaved forest as an example. Journal of Hydrology, Vol.468-469, 101-110.
- Chu, C.-R., Chen, R.-H. and Chen, -W. (2011) A laboratory experiment of shear-induced ventilation. Energy and Buildings. Vol.43 (10), 2631-2637.
- Wu, T.-R.*, Huang, C.-J., Chuang, M.-H., Wang, C.-Y., and Chu, C.-R. (2011) Dynamic coupling of multi-phase fluids with a moving obstacle. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.19 (6), 643-650.
- 朱佳仁, 王宇文, 陳瑞鈴, 黎益肇, 劉文欽 (2011) 多區間建築物風壓通風計算模式, 建築學報, 第78期, 2011年12月, 107-121頁
- Huang, H.Y.*, Margulis, S.A., Chu, C.-R. and Tsay, H.-C. (2011) Investigation of the impacts of vegetation distribution and evaporative cooling on synthetic urban daytime climate using a coupled LES-LSM model. Hydrological Processes 25 (10), 1574-1586.
- Chu, C.-R., and Wang, Y.-W. (2010) The loss factors of building openings for wind-driven ventilation. Building and Environment, Vol.45 (10), 2273-2279.
- Chu, C.-R., Chiu, Y.-H. and Wang, Y.-W. (2010) An experimental study of wind-driven cross ventilation in partitioned buildings. Energy and Buildings, Vol.42 (5), 667-673.
- Chu, C.-R., Li, M.-H. Chen, Y.-Y. and Kuo, -H. (2010) A wind tunnel experiment on the evaporation rate of Class A evaporation pan. Journal of Hydrology, Vol.381 (3-4), 221-224.
- 朱佳仁, 邱英浩, 陳彥志, 王宇文 (2009) 建築物開口對風壓通風影響之研究, 建築學報, 第69期, 2009年9月, 17~33頁
- Chu, C.-R., Chiu, Y.-H. Chen, Y.-J. Wang, Y.-W. and Chou, P. (2009) Turbulence effects on the discharge coefficient and mean flow rate of wind-driven cross ventilation. Building and Environment, Vol.44(10), 2064-2072.
- Chu, C.-R., Hsieh, C.-I. Wu, S.-Y. and Phillips, N.G. (2009) Transient response of sap flow to wind speed. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60, No.1, 249-255.
- Liu, M.Y.*, Chiang, W.L. Hwang, J.H. and Chu, C.-R. (2008) Wind-induced vibration of high-rise building with tuned mass damper including soil–structure interaction, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 96, No.6-7, 1092-1102.
- Chu, C.-R. and Jirka, G.H. (2003) Wind and stream flow-induced reaeration, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol.129, No.12, 1129-1136.
- Hsieh, C.I., Siqueira, M., Katul, G. and Chu, C.-R. (2003) Predicting scalar source-sink and flux distributions within a forest canopy using a 2-D Lagrangian stochastic dispersion model, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Vol.109, 113-138.
- Liu, M.Y., Chiang, W.L., Chu, C.-R. and Lin, S.S. (2003) Analytical and experimental investigation on wind-induced vibration of high-rise buildings with tuned liquid column dampers, Wind and Structures,6, No.1, 71-90.
- Chang, T.J., Wu, Y.T. Hsu, H.Y., Chu, C.-R., Liao, C.M. (2003) Assessment of wind characteristics and wind turbine characteristics in Taiwan, Renewable Energy, Vol.28, 851-871.
- 劉明怡、蔣偉寧、黃俊鴻、朱佳仁 (2001) 考慮土壤結構互制效應並裝設調諧質量阻尼器的高層建築受風力作用之振動分析, 結構工程,16, No.2, 45-59.
- Tseng, M.H., Hsu, C.A. and Chu, C.-R. (2001) Channel routing in open-channel flows with surges, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, No. 2, 115-122.
- Liu, M.Y., Chiang, W.L., Chu, C.-R. and Lin, S.S. (2001) Wind-Tunnel verification of the effectiveness of tuned liquid column dampers for reducing structural vibration, Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.89, 449-452.
- Tseng, M.H. and Chu, C.-R. (2000) Simulation of dam-break flows by an improved predictor-corrector TVD Scheme, Advances in Water Resources, No. 23 (6), 637-643.
- Tseng, M.H. and Chu, C.-R. (2000) Two-dimensional shallow water flows simulation using TVD-MacCormack scheme, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol.38, No.2, 123- 131.
- 朱佳仁, 吳瑞賢, 梁天堯, 詹國華 (1998) 橫向流場中浮昇射流軌跡之實驗研究, 中國土木水利工程學刊, Vol. 10, No. 3, 251-262.
- Katul, G.G. and Chu, C.-R. (1998) A theoretical and experimental investigation of energy-containing scales in the dynamic sublayer of boundary layer, Boundary Layer Meteorology,86, No.2, 279-312.
- Chu, C.-R. and Soong C.K. (1997) Numerical simulation of wind-induced entrainment in a stably stratified water basin. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 35, No.1, 21-41.
- Chu, C.-R., Parlange, M.B. Katul, G.G. and Albertson, J.D. (1996) Probability density functions of turbulent velocity and temperature in the atmospheric surface layer, Water Resources Research, 32, No. 6, 1681-1688.
- Albertson, J.D., Parlange, M.B., Katul, G.G., Chu, C.-R. and Stricker H. (1995) Sensible heat flux from arid regions – A simple flux-variance method, Water Resources Research, Vol.31, 4, 969-973.
- Katul, G.G., Parlange, M.B., Albertson, J.D., and Chu, C.-R. (1995) The random sweeping decorrelation hypothesis in stratified turbulent flows, Fluid Dynamics Research, 16, 275-295.
- Katul, G.G., Chu, C.-R., Parlange, M.B., Albertson, J.D. and Ortenburger, T.A. (1995) Low-wavenumber spectral characteristics of velocity and temperature in the atmospheric surface layer, Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, Vol.100, D7, 14243-14255.
- Katul, G.G., Parlange, M.B., Albertson, J.D., and Chu, C.-R. (1995) Local isotropy and anisotropy in the shear-heated atmospheric surface layer, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 72, 123-148.
- Howarth, R.W., Swaney, D., Marino, R., Bulter, T. and Chu, C.-R. (1995) Turbulence does not prevent nitrogen fixation by plankton in estuaries and coastal seas, Limnology and Oceanography, 40, No. 3, 639-643.
- Katul, G.G., Albertson, J.D., Parlange, M.B., Chu, C.-R., and Stricker H. (1994) Conditional sampling, bursting, and the intermittent structure of sensible heat flux. Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmosphere, 99, No. D11, 22869-22876.
- Katul, G.G., Albertson, J.D., Chu, C.-R., and Parlange, M.B. (1994) Sensible and latent heat fluxes predictions using conditional sampling methods, Water Resources Research. 30, 3053-3059.
- Katul, G.G., Parlange, M.B. and Chu, C.-R. (1994) Intermittency, local isotropy and non-Gaussian statistics in atmospheric surface layer turbulence, Physics of Fluids, Vol.6, No.7, 2480-2492.
- Howarth, R.W., Bulter, T., Lunde, K., Swaney, D. and Chu, C.-R. (1993) Turbulence and planktonic nitrogen fixation – A mesocosm experiment, Limnology and Oceanography, 38, No. 8, 1696-1711.
- Chu, C.-R. and Jirka, G.H. (1992) Turbulent gas flux measurements below the air water interface of a grid-stirred tank, Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 35, No. 8, 1957-1968.